My Living Room–Purple Profundity Poetry

My living room
has a woman
crouched and old
a bit twisted and a tad bent
or vent?

She rocks
she works her hands
the motion stops
thrust forward
glimpse of smoothing face
joyful expression

a little girl
perched upon her toes
beside the arm of the couch
peeking out
watching bubbles float up
my living room

has a young woman
in a sweater
and a handmade quilted skirt
sitting on the couch
as if to herself
sidelong and knowing glances
at the old woman
tilting her head to listen
to the story
just for the little girl
wide eyed and joyful
perching on the floor
My living room.

–elisabeth connelley

Stopped by Cops in South Carolina Where the Billboards Shift from Jesus to Porn and Back Again, I Understand My Affliction

Stopped by Cops in South Carolina Where the Billboards Shift from Jesus to Porn and Back Again, I Understand My Affliction
It’s as American as the F.B.I. Hoover in drag, a zealot in silk stockings, careful not to smudge his lipstick as he reads me my rights. The desire to reach the heavens gets mixed up with the pursuit of naked flesh, and the next thing I know, I’m ordering coffee and apple pie a la mode in a topless diner, next to a Bible salesman who can’t get enough of those free refills. Halleluiah! Can I get a waitress? One who was at the scene of the crime? That’s the easy part. It’s as simple as a right hand and a left. I’m guilty of human needs. And here the billboards remind me, like flashcards for a five-year-old, alternating Lust and Love. Moving too fast is what got me here, stopped on the side of the road. The cops wear mirrored shades to keep their own sins hidden. The sign I’m next to features Jesus ascending and a 1-800 number to call if I feel alone. But I’m more hungry than lonely, and once I get my ticket, I’m gone.”
~~Christopher Kennedy
ennui prophet

–source link

I read this collection immediately after posting the post about Luxuria. I liked this one and one other in particular, though most of them had something that jumped out at me. Ahhh…the mood of the day!

Thank you Mr. Kennedy!

The Sky

The Sky
it was pomegranate.

A dark

Not fading and deepening blues–

Focused upon focusing.
Something grand to attend.
The Sky
it was pomegranate.

Such a slight thing
without evident meaning
or intent

Can’t there be anything else?

It was pomegranate.

–by elisabeth connelley

Oh wait, this, I thought, was a blog, but now I think it was a poem. I tried asking it, but so far, it has not answered and I’d rather stay with the pomegranate.

One Shoot Sunday and The Play–Purple Profundity: Poetry by Elisabeth Connelley

Sunday Photography Interview: Rosie Hardy & Poetry Challenge

“The time has come, one and all, for that saddest of days— it is my regret to once more say to you all that this is the final One Shoot Sunday. We have such a treat for you on the auspicious day, though, for it’s my pleasure to give to you the marvelous Rosie Hardy. Hardy has an amazing talent for people—from weddings, to children, to model events; but many of you music fans might recognize her work as well. Then 19-year-old Hardy provided the cover shot for Maroon 5′s album, Hands All Over (she also happened to be the model featured in the shot). She’s also done work for Samsung and Penguin Book Publishers, among many others. This young star of the photographic world was kind enough to take the time to interview with One Stop Poetry, and it’s my pleasure to offer her work and her words for our last feature here.

~Chris Galford”


Final Picture Prompt Challenge!

Photography by Rosie Hardy used from One Shoot Picture Prompt Poetry Challenge


The Play

Why are you there?

Living in my mind’s eye?

Your touch is Heaven and Hell at the same moment

Your voice is the whisper of Death.

I am a puppet wanting a heart.

You are the puppeteer.

You make me dance.

I believe I am free.

Then the play is over and you put me in my box.

Cold and empty and dead.

–by Elisabeth Connelley

One Shoot Sunday and Anchor What–Purple Profundity: Poetry by Elisabeth Connelley

Sunday Photography Interview: Neil Alexander and Poetry Challenge
Photographer Neil Alexander is a lifestyle and travel photographer as skilled at capturing the essence of people, as well as the landscapes they walk. Based in Manchester (soggy Manchester, as his twitter is quick to note), Alexander’s work has nevertheless carried him far–as far east as Indochina, and in the next year, west into the United States. Yet this professional also takes it a step further – not only does he do what he loves, but he blogs about it too.

~Chris Galford”

Time for the Picture Prompt Challenge!

Image taken by photographer Neil Alexander

Anchor What?

Would you do without me?

Leaning upon
Your moorings
Catching the canvas of the sun
Feeding light
Into the soil

Flight across the walls
Spilling over
Along grass
Electric green

Kissing your feet
Sizzling your soul
Giggling your creases
Showing what is
Line and form

Rushing back up to join the sky
Spiral dance

Would you do without me?

–by Elisabeth Connelley

One Shoot Sunday and Instance–Purple Profundity: Poetry by Elisabeth Connelley

Good Morning! It’s One Shoot Sunday again!

The following is quoted to attribute the photographer and the site that supports and encourages The Poetry Challenge of One Shoot Sunday.

Sunday Photography Interview: Adam Romanowicz & Poetry Challenge

[sic]Adam Romanowicz is an avid pursuer of the artistic and the abstract. An engineer in “the real world,” Romanowicz’s passion for composition and the outdoors has led him to an adventurous life of fine art, as well as editorial and commercial stock photography. His website, 3scape is an award-winning institution show-casing his fine art work. His published credits run the gamut, from CD covers and store displays to the Oxford Dictionary for the Middle Ages.

Today, this inspirational photographer has taken time from his busy schedule to share a bit of insight with One Stop Poetry.”

~Chris Galford

Picture Prompt Challenge Time!

Converging--by Adam Romanowicz

Spontaneous flame did burst
Upon the tree
Soaring on the wind
Tornadic fire to consume


Drawing Earth
Up heaving world

Eagle cries out into wind
Taking messages
Kindred twin

Raging wind
Thunder’s roar
Lightning’s warning

A silent pause deep in the din
A raindrop trickles down her skin
Melting rage and fire deep
Within a soul

In a moment she remembers
Stretches arms up to the sky
Calling torrents of the welcome rain to kiss away pain

–by elisabeth connelley

One Shoot Sunday and McConnellstown Party Line Memory Ramble–Purple Profundity: Poetry by Elisabeth Connelley

Good Morning! It’s One Shoot Sunday again! (Ok, so it’s Tuesday, I got stuck without a keyboard and then my writing got stuck too!)

The following is quoted to attribute the photographer and the site that supports and encourages The Poetry Challenge of One Shoot Sunday.
Sunday Photography Interview (Part 2): Rob Hanson & Poetry Challenge

Last week saw many great responses to Mr. Hanson’s lovely photography. There were numerous creative takes that went to all corners. I thought, before we delve into the second half of this interview, you might be interested in hearing the true story behind “The Bootmaker,” which was One Stop’s official prompt for last Sunday’s challenge.

From Rob Hanson: “That’s Peter Limmer, of Limmer & Sons, Bootmakers, in Intervale, New Hampshire. They are currently sixth generation (and likely last) Austrian bootmakers of the highest repute. A pair of custom boots will take up to two years to deliver (if you even get on their schedule), and cost a minimum of $600. They also have stock boots, of which I have a pair. They are, without a doubt, some of the best hiking boots you’d ever want to own.”

And now, enjoy the second half of the interview, as well as the prompt to follow.
~Chris Galford

Picture Prompt Challenge Time!

McConnellstown Party Line Memory Ramble

Get off the party line
Oily rags

Churning butter
–on the stoop
Giant enamel bowls
Peaches to peel and to pit
Chilling in the spring

Kegs of nails

Razor Strap
And window frame

Hearing shows,
on the porch
From the radio
I called it
Church in a box
–shaped as old church window, arched

Glitter and dance of kerosene lamps
The night and hallways
Less scary in the glow

From a hook
Living history
Not just a book

Push and shove
Back and forth
Something straddled
On the horse

Pies on the table
Apple butter kettle
Over hardwood
Fire in the yard

Memories suspended
In yesterday
My Pappy

–by elisabeth connelley

One Shoot Sunday and Noticing–Purple Profundity: Poetry by Elisabeth Connelley

Good Morning! It’s One Shoot Sunday again! The following is quoted to attribute the photographer and the site that supports and encourages The Poetry Challenge of One Shoot Sunday.

“Sunday Photography Interview: Rob Hanson & Poetry Challenge (Part 1)

Rob Hanson is a photographer dedicated to the art of HDR. This North Carolina photographer has moved through a number of mediums over the years, but always with a strong desire to make his images and his work as perfect as possible. Constantly on the lookout for new techniques and technologies to explore, he doesn’t shy away from the uniqueness of the world—he expresses it in his colorful work. Find out more in the first of this two-part interview…

~Chris Galford

One Shoot Sunday Challenge Time!

"Purple Phase"--by Rob Hanson

Smooth sheets caressing naked calves and feet

The soft grunted intake of air

Upon bumping a familiar round belly

A sigh and change of position

To spoon one back into sleep

Hands on breast and thigh

Soft sleep warmed lips brushing fur


Relaxing into


Significant non-quickening

Careful languishing sighs

Sheer curtains move

As always they move

In winter

From blowing heat.

A door creaks open

Something wanders in

Stares intently,

Observer of a chrysalis

Eyes rub

Feet flex

Toes wriggle

Sheets move

Feet hit the floor

Born again


–by elisabeth connelley