Morning Trip (126)


A pale golden flame illuminates the suspended
billows of the forest. Star after star emerges,
where the moongold laps the velvet-soft shores
of dusk. Slowly the yellowing flame arises
like smoke among dark-blue depths. The
white rays of the stars wander over the move-
less, over the shadowless and breathless green
lawns of the tree-tops. Oh, would that I were
a star lost deep within the paling yellow flame
that illumes the suspended billows of the forest.”

— by “Fiona Macleod” (William Sharp), The Silence of Amor, Where the Forest Murmurs

The Sky

The Sky
it was pomegranate.

A dark

Not fading and deepening blues–

Focused upon focusing.
Something grand to attend.
The Sky
it was pomegranate.

Such a slight thing
without evident meaning
or intent

Can’t there be anything else?

It was pomegranate.

–by elisabeth connelley

Oh wait, this, I thought, was a blog, but now I think it was a poem. I tried asking it, but so far, it has not answered and I’d rather stay with the pomegranate.