One Shoot Sunday and Anchor What–Purple Profundity: Poetry by Elisabeth Connelley

Sunday Photography Interview: Neil Alexander and Poetry Challenge
Photographer Neil Alexander is a lifestyle and travel photographer as skilled at capturing the essence of people, as well as the landscapes they walk. Based in Manchester (soggy Manchester, as his twitter is quick to note), Alexander’s work has nevertheless carried him far–as far east as Indochina, and in the next year, west into the United States. Yet this professional also takes it a step further – not only does he do what he loves, but he blogs about it too.

~Chris Galford”

Time for the Picture Prompt Challenge!

Image taken by photographer Neil Alexander

Anchor What?

Would you do without me?

Leaning upon
Your moorings
Catching the canvas of the sun
Feeding light
Into the soil

Flight across the walls
Spilling over
Along grass
Electric green

Kissing your feet
Sizzling your soul
Giggling your creases
Showing what is
Line and form

Rushing back up to join the sky
Spiral dance

Would you do without me?

–by Elisabeth Connelley