One Shoot Sunday and Noticing–Purple Profundity: Poetry by Elisabeth Connelley

Good Morning! It’s One Shoot Sunday again! The following is quoted to attribute the photographer and the site that supports and encourages The Poetry Challenge of One Shoot Sunday.

“Sunday Photography Interview: Rob Hanson & Poetry Challenge (Part 1)

Rob Hanson is a photographer dedicated to the art of HDR. This North Carolina photographer has moved through a number of mediums over the years, but always with a strong desire to make his images and his work as perfect as possible. Constantly on the lookout for new techniques and technologies to explore, he doesn’t shy away from the uniqueness of the world—he expresses it in his colorful work. Find out more in the first of this two-part interview…

~Chris Galford

One Shoot Sunday Challenge Time!

"Purple Phase"--by Rob Hanson

Smooth sheets caressing naked calves and feet

The soft grunted intake of air

Upon bumping a familiar round belly

A sigh and change of position

To spoon one back into sleep

Hands on breast and thigh

Soft sleep warmed lips brushing fur


Relaxing into


Significant non-quickening

Careful languishing sighs

Sheer curtains move

As always they move

In winter

From blowing heat.

A door creaks open

Something wanders in

Stares intently,

Observer of a chrysalis

Eyes rub

Feet flex

Toes wriggle

Sheets move

Feet hit the floor

Born again


–by elisabeth connelley

9 thoughts on “One Shoot Sunday and Noticing–Purple Profundity: Poetry by Elisabeth Connelley

  1. you took us into quite an intimate and warm moment elisa…like a flower unfolding..beautiful and i also think there is a certain sensuality to this flower image..


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